Grand Lodge Officers M.W. Bro. Jamie IrelandGrand Master R.W. Bro. Lou DomjanGrand Secretary R.W. Bro. Frank KingDistrict Deputy Grand Master V.W. Bro. Mark WolfeGrand Steward District Officers W. Bro. Jamie McFaddenDistrict Senior Warden / Mentorship W. Bro. Matt YoungDistrict Secretary R.W. Bro. Stephen HearnDistrict Treasurer Bro. Tucker CampbellDistrict Piper V.W. Bro. Michael StillwellManagement Committee / Cornerstone V.W. Bro. Leroy HarrisonMasonic Foundation / Benevolence R.W. Bro. Wes MorleyHistorian / Huron Herald V.W. Bro. Glen MillerRegalia W. Bro. John MinersLibrarian / Webmaster W. Bro. Cliff AndersonCustodian of the Work Subscribe to theHuron Herald Stay up to date with the district news and events! Subscribe